Extractive reserves, the properties rights and sustainable
development in the Amazon region http://tinyurl.com/m4grkvm http://tinyurl.com/mh73zfs
Economic consequences of peri urban settlement regularization in Brazil http://tinyurl.com/krush3h
Chaos Land Governance and the need to manage the use of public lands in the Amazon: The Experience of Acre – Brazil http://tinyurl.com/lxh75hb http://tinyurl.com/njyugab
The land governance and the challenges in Brazilian state of Acre http://tinyurl.com/k4fyaj9
Brazil’s inter-ministerial steering committee on land governance http://tinyurl.com/qaf49a4
Main causes of insecure land rights in Brazil: Evidences from LGAF and case study http://tinyurl.com/ol6utbl